Meadows pilot project logoMeadows pilot project

Let's introduce you to the team

Commonplace facilitates this conversation on behalf of the team made up of the organisations listed here. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes stated in each organisation’s privacy policy.
A link redirecting to the stakeholder privacy policy

London Borough of Haringey

As a council, we understand that delivering lasting change, tackling inequality and building a fairer borough requires a collaborative approach, working closely with our residents and partners to develop ideas that address issues which matter most to our communities. By working together, we can improve the health and wellbeing of everyone and make a safer, more connected community. We collect and process personal information about you in order to inform our plans. This privacy notice explains how we use the information about you and how we protect your privacy.

Read London Borough of Haringey privacy policyPrivacy policy link

A link redirecting to Commonplace privacy policy


Commonplace connects you to the people who create the places where you live, work and play. A platform to speak and be heard by developers, councils, and public bodies to initiate better decisions and places for all.

Read Commonplace privacy policyPrivacy policy link